In this issue….
President’s Message
Stroll through the virtual docks and enjoy the show!
Click on any image to enlarge.
Virtual Boat Show
Special Edition
Spring 2020
President’s Message
Stroll through the virtual docks and enjoy the show!
Click on any image to enlarge.
Presidents Message
Jim Cooper From the Wheelhouse
OACBS President’s Message – April 2020
Welcome one and all to the first (and perhaps last) annual VIRTUAL Okanagan Antique and Classic Boat Show. This is an opportunity to have a little fun from the safety of our own homes and yards in the Twilight Zone otherwise known as a worldwide pandemic.
I want to first thank our Board members Steve Leslie and Kelly Williamson who spearheaded this idea and have been responsible for registration. They are also giving out the awards at the virtual banquet; therefore, any complaints about food, judging, accommodations, etc, etc; its their fault.
I also want to thank you, the participants, who drove your bandwidth from around the planet and beyond to attend this event. We look forward to seeing you all in person next year.
Jim Cooper
Welcome Boaters
Thanks for coming
Guests are just arriving now. Glad you could make it. Launch your boat and head over to the show docks. There’s plenty of room and no need for social distancing here!
Click on any image to enlarge
1952 Chris Craft 16’ Special.
El Bandito after restoration guided by Stephen Ley of Port Moody.
Marty Brown, Langley, BC. OACBS Chapter Member
As with any show, its always nice to give a Peoples choice award and a Skipper’s choice award. S0...
Please drop your votes off to me @ ( If you have a boat in the show...Vote Skipper’s choice and People’s choice.
If your a spectator...Vote Peoples choice.
We’ll post the results here Thursday, Apr.30th!
The results are in and voting is closed.
Special Thanks to everyone who helped put on this show. Thanks to the volunteers at the boat launch, the parking lot, and the docks. Loved the banquet meal too! Thank you for displaying your boat and sharing stories.
Thank you so much for coming to our Virtual boat show! We hope you have enjoyed it. These are extraordinary times and we must find safe ways to come together and enjoy our friends and our shared passion for antique and classic boats!
This show has brought together boats and owners from BC, Alberta, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and even Florida! Thank you everyone!
Please, stay safe, and stay Healthy